
You are encouraged to get medical advice before you start any exercise program.

Get in shape is an excellent goal, attainable by anyone. This website is devoted to advising people who wish to get fit and stay fit. A long-term fitness coach is always hammering away about the importance of daily exercise, preferably running. Start walking as the first step, today. Walk for a little while, as comfortable. Then walk every day, and as you are comfortable add a little time each day to your walk. You may notice that you feel better in general.

Once you can comfortably walk for 30 minutes, start running a bit as you are comfortable. Then you build up your running. Important: you have to start at a slow speed, and for a short time, building up slowly over a few weeks.

Even those who are members of excellent gyms know that it can be difficult to go start up the car and commute to the club. A healthy environment, including the ability to learn and to exercise, is what you want. Now, instead of writing more, I am going to hit the treadmill and have the energy from that all day long.

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